I am not one who likes to go to the doctor. I have worked for some amazing physicians…general practitioners, some of the best podiatrists, and in a hospital system. I do not have anything against the profession, I just prefer not to have to go as a patient.
My reluctance is most likely due to having had cancer. I recall many appointments and long days in the chemotherapy center. Today, I am healed and have been cancer-free for twenty-seven years. Praise our God.
Recently, my general practitioner recommended that I see several specialists for preventative care. I was surprised at the recommendation, and I really did not see the point.
I said, “No thanks. You just said all my routine test results are normal. My current ultrasound and CAT scans are negative.” I saw no need to see a specialist, but at her insistence, reluctantly agreed.
In my experience, getting an appointment with a specialist takes a few weeks unless there is an emergency. You can imagine my amazement when I called to find the first available slot was the following day.
The appointment went well. I was the last patient of the morning and things were relaxed as I completed the examination. I was chatting with the receptionist, and she asked, “What is it that you do?”
“Hmmm, What do you mean?”
“What is your occupation,” she responded.
I said, “Well , I just love Jesus.”
She studied my face for a moment and replied, “Ma’am, I was asking the Lord this morning to send someone to help me know Jesus.”
We were the only two people left in the office, and I shared with her about Jesus. She received salvation. On the way home, I thought, “Did God send me to the doctor or to the receptionist?”
Two weeks Later, I went to a related appointment with another specialist. A very kind medical assistant escorted me to the examination room. After seeing the doctor, the assistant returned to complete the exam.
During our conversation, she asked, “What do you do?”
“I’m a pastor,” I responded.
She began to share her story . . . she had been raised in church, but it had been years since she had attended a church. She looked at me intently and asked, Ma’am does Jesus really still love me?”
“Of course,” I responded. I reassured her that Jesus loves her and assisted her in rededicating her life to Jesus. When I went to my follow up visit, I was happy to hear she had found a good church in her area.
Believe it or not, I went to yet another specialist and encountered a third person who wanted to connect with Jesus.
I recall these things with a smile as I think, “God, did you want to be a doctor?”
It amazes me to realize that unknowingly I was placed right where God wanted me to be.
Christine and her husband Henry reside in Fayetteville, Ga . They serve together in their church where she is the lead pastor.