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My Call - Shree Lovett

It was chronic pelvic pain diagnosed as Endometriosis and Fibroids, a problem that causes painful cysts and fibrous adhesions. My doctor tried many frustrating treatments before I decided to have surgery. During the surgery, they found a tumor that tested benign. Thank You, Jesus!

Upon recovery from surgery, the pain persisted, and I began a regimen of preventive medication that had tough side effects. I developed strong headaches and paralyzing anxiety. I felt like a walking zombie and began to feel detached from my family and the world.

This started my call to the Lord. My scripture was Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” I discontinued the medication, and it was God and me. I did not tell anyone the faith-journey God and I were on.

One day, watching Mother Dodie Osteen’s message of hope for the hopeless, I was deeply encouraged. She shared her testimony and 40 healing scriptures she used to win the battle against cancer. I told the Lord, “I have my scripture!” The promise of Jeremiah 33:3 was real.

The Lord began to answer my prayer. He showed me my weaknesses and fears. I allowed the Lord to search my heart. I began to confess every sin and to turn from every wrong attitude of not believing God’s word.

It was a five-year journey, and no one other than my doctor knew the pain I was in. A friend introduced me to a book that became very important to me, “The Meal that Heals” by Dr. Perry Stone. The book gave new insight and knowledge into a tradition that has all but been forgotten in the modern church . . . daily communion from house to house with other believers. I began taking communion every morning after my devotion time with Lord. I told the Lord I will take communion as my medication.

Sometime later, I attended a women’s conference in Detroit Michigan. (Remember no one knew the pain I was experiencing.) I was called out of the crowd of women by the pastor who was preaching. Though she did not know me, she instructed me to come to the middle aisle as she began to tell my story before that crowd of women.

The pastor pointed her finger at me and told me that I would no longer experience the pain and that I would sleep like a baby starting that night. I was healed in that moment. At that, all I remember was that I jumped up and landed flat on my back in the aisle. Something like electricity was going through my body. What a time of rejoicing at that women’s conference!

To this day at age 63, I am on no medication. Every morning I take The Meal That Heals. I truly believe we all have our own personal journey in getting to know God. And I know there is no hopeless case in this world when you call on Jesus. He is our hope and all He wants to do is show us great and mighty things. Let’s continue to call.

Shree is a thirty-year resident of Mobile AL and serves as the Alabama State Coordinator of National Day of Prayer. She was born and raised in Birmingham AL.



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