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The Place God Called Me to Be - Jabraun Bass

“I feel like this is the place God has called me to be.” These are the words I whispered to my mom, after I finished visiting the University of Mobile for the very first time as a senior in high school. Little did I know in that moment, how transformational the next 5 years of my life would be.

On May 6, 2023, I graduated from the University of Mobile with the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, both in Business Administration. While I came to school in pursuit of a college education, the Lord had so much more in store.

When I began school, I was quiet, timid, and rather surface level in my faith. However, from the moment my freshman year began, I was immersed in the Gospel, I was surrounded by a community of believers, and had my faith challenged so that I could grow into the man of God He called me to be. My community of believers pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and timidness. They saw something in me that, at the time, I could not see in myself.

As I began to get involved, I began to see the first fruits of seeds that were planted throughout my life. I found a heart and a desire to not only be a leader but to be the reflection of the heartbeat of Christ. I wanted people to see past “Jabraun”, to see Christ who resides in me and to experience the fullness of His love for them.

I had the opportunity to serve in so many different capacities, as a Housing Graduate Assistant, President of Delta Mu Delta School of Business Honor’s Society, President of University Ambassador’s, Campus Activities Board, Freshman Seminar Teacher’s Assistant, Women’s Basketball Practice Team Member, Discipleship Leader, and Residential Assistant. As I look back on accolades and accomplishments, I will not take credit for these things. I give the utmost glory and honor to the Lord for how He has used me to advance His kingdom throughout my time at UM.

My story is nothing short of a testament to the Lord’s faithfulness. As I move on to a new season of life, I now have a new understanding of what it means to have unwavering faith, trust, and hope in Christ.

Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you unless you remain in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Jabraun is a life long resident of Mobile, Alabama and is a Spring 2023 graduate of the University of Mobile with both baccalaureate and graduate degrees in Business Administration.



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