My journey in Christ has been wonderful. As a child of God, I feel I have been able to walk in His calling for me. God has put people and places in my life to be a blessing, to pray for, or to help in one form or another.

In these 48 years, I have learned how to hear the voice of Holy Spirit and have tried to be obedient to respond to that leading. Sometimes I think maybe it didn’t work out, but I can say it wasn’t for lack of trying. If you have struggled to know your gifts and callings, ask the Lord to show you, direct you, and then step out of the boat! It can be very rewarding.
For over 40 years the devil reminded me of my past sins and failures. These reminders were forever crippling me and bringing guilt and shame into my mind. I truly struggled with this on a regular basis. But God!
A few years back I was in my quiet place and the Holy Spirit started asking how long I was going to allow Satan to trespass what the Blood of Christ had paid for. As I sat and pondered this, a revelation from God began to stir inside me and I realized God was right! I had been allowing the lies to keep me in bondage. Within moments the Presence of God came into the room. It was so powerful. All I could do was weep for a long while. Then a peace came over me and I knew I had been truly set free!
For those of you reading my testimony, I want you to know God will do the same for you. If you have been tormented by your past, simply ask God to remove the shame, make the choice to ask for His forgiveness and forgive others who have wounded you.
Forgiveness isn’t about right or wrong, it is for you to be set free. Then we can help others become free, too. I believe this is God’s ultimate plan for our lives.
Fred is a Mobile native and has been married to his wife, Barbara, for 46 years. He is a skilled wood turner and glider pilot. He and Barbara have a heart to see revival in their city and have led several large prayer efforts including the Prayer House and Canopy of Prayer.