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Asking God for Good Government


We pray for good government

and its responsibility to ensure access

to resources necessary for health and welfare.

Access is a means of approaching or entering a place with intent to exercise the right or opportunity to obtain, use, or benefit from something.

Nature allows its magnificent creatures freedom of access to resources that support their wellbeing and by that access, sustains life and fosters exponential health in the greater cycle of life in the wild.

Similarly, good government ensures freedom and reasonable ease of access to resources essential to the health and welfare of each citizen living under its authority. 

The supply of resources is generally the responsibility of free market business and community service  entities. Good government supports that responsibility by proactive design and implementation of statutes and laws that simultaneously . . .


  •    Promote the economic vibrancy and affordability of resource supply

  •    Develop infrastructure and systems that allow and protect unhindered access to that supply

  •    Foster support to citizens needing assistance with access.  

The result is the exponential health of the greater community overseen by government. 

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