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Asking God for Good Government


We pray for good government
to foster and inspire the prevailing belief among people
that it is possible to fulfill one's dreams and potential.  

Confidence is a state-of-being based upon belief that one can rely on someone or something, in this case government. Such reliability over time promotes a firm sense of trust allowing the unguarded rise of self-assurance and appreciation of one's own hopes, abilities, and qualities.

Good government, having consistently demonstrated its understanding of purpose and responsibility to God regarding the safety and wellbeing of people within its jurisdiction . . . trustworthiness . . . has the opportunity to intentionally foster and inspire belief in individual potential . . . a sense of confidence. 

This is not confidence that the government will meet every need. Rather it is a prevailing sense that government is safeguarding and enabling the opportunity for each individual to discover and achieve his or her own potential to meet life's challenges and to succeed . . . a culture of confidence. A natural extension of such a culture is its healthy  contagion among individual citizens who encourage others within their respective communities to move from dependency to interdependent action.   

The key to good government's ability to step from the common role of system management into the uncommon realm of encouraging confident interdependence lies with its many agents who touch every part of the greater community . . . individuals with specific task responsibility who proactively seek opportunities to encourage, help, and affirm confidence in those they serve. 

It is these agents for whom we pray. A great many are believers. Ask God to bless and affirm these men and women so that they become agents of affirmation and blessing in their daily work. Imagine the ripple effect; imagine a culture of confidence

Thus we pray for good government to foster and inspire the prevailing belief among people that it is possible to fulfill one's dreams and potential.

2 Corinthians 9:8 
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

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